[hol-oh-thyr / hɒləʊðɪr]
from greek: "holo-"=entirely ; "ther"=animal,beast

1. A self-identifier term for individuals who are physically and fundamentally nonhuman in every way."I am holothere, i am and was born a selkie"
"I am a bear, and prefer to call myself a holotheric therian."

Holothere was created in the lack for an actual term for physical nonhumans, regardless of why and how they are physical nonhuman. It is meant to define and describe physical nonhumanity as either a term on its own or as a descriptor for a specific therian experience.The physical aspect of holothery is intentionally defined to be vague, because individuals can relate to it and experience it very differently.
NOTE that holothery does not inherently describe transformations, or the ability to transform. Some might, some don't and simply exist as they are; the term holothere only describes individuals who are nonhuman in every sense, not the ability to teach becoming nonhuman.

"Holothere" was made to act as another circle in a venn diagram with therian, otherkin and alterhuman communities, so that it acts as more of a descriptor and not a separate term. One can be therian and find holothere useful because they view themselves as fully nonhuman in every way, or one might simply just use holothere on its own because they prefer the term.One being fully nonhuman should not be seen as any better or worse to individuals who are partly human. Nonhumanity does not hold value, it simply is.

Coined by defrostedvertebrae on 23/02/2024


will be updated if there are any questions unadressed.Q: Wouldn't holothere be anti-recovery for individuals who experience delusions?
A: Not all delusions are inherently dammaging to those who have them, and either way it's up to the individual to judge and decide what's best for them. Schizospec and delusional individuals are not children, do not need to be handheld on the internet by non-delusional individuals and have discernment and can decide for themselves what to get involved in and when to pull back.
Q: Wouldn't holothere encourage P-shifter cults?
A: As stated previously on the home page, holothere does not inherently describe shifting and is not a term for those who are human that wish to no longer be. While we have no strong stance on the matter, we are aware of the issue but the term itself is not meant for anyone who isn't physically nonhuman already, by definition. It is not intended to be used for malice, however i do not control what others do on the internet.
Q: Do i need to state whether i'm holothere due to delusions?
A: Only if you want to. I made this term because there was no middle ground between announcing your psychiatric status via labels, using physical nonhuman as a generalised term, or just using P-shifter despite the stigma. Holothere was created to sit in the place of the generalised "physically nonhuman", blind to the actual reason why one might be holothere. Farther than that it's up to the individual.
Q: Can i call myself a holothere if my identity is non-physical?
A: Definitionally, no. Therianthropy allows for vast ays of expression of nonhumanity, this term is simply meant to describe a specific experience either outside of under therianthropy, depending on how individual creatures prefer to see themselves.
Q:Can i suggest side terms for holothere to be added on the carrd?
A: Sure; i'll add with credit any subterms and such that might be created. I cannot create the subterms myself as i am not a spokesperson for physical nonhumans, and prefer to let the term grow on its own naturally. If anyone makes any posts coining subterms, feel free to tag me on tumblr or send me a link if posted elsewhere so i can update the carrd.
Q: Can i use holothere for an alter that considers themselves physically nonhuman?
A: Yes, the physical aspect can be mainly in headspace as well. Holothere also applies for alters that consider the body nonhuman when they front, or any mix of headspace to meatspace physicality.

Coined by defrostedvertebrae on 23/02/2024


As for symbols, there is the anchor delta, coined in colaboration with xenoworlds on tumblr for all physical nonhumans, regardless of what label they apply to themselves. Can alternatively be typed out as ⚓︎Δ.The delta Δ symbolises difference or transformation (if the case), while the anchor ⚓︎ symbolises the physical nonhumanity that is to us like an anchor is to a ship.


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